Docs / DAO Reserved Keys

What is DAO Reserved Keys?

Taichia will save some key-value pairs of your DAO information on the blockchain. In order to reduce the size of the puzzle, these keys are named in abbreviations and with "!" prefix.

You need to stick with the definitions if you want to change them. Invalid value will cause malfunction of your DAO.

KeyData TypeRequiredDescription
!COMMURINoDAO community URL, e.g. Discord, Reddit. If you need to input multiple links, split them by "|"
!DESCString|MarkdownYesThe description of your DAO
!DIDDIDNoThe Chia DID of your DAO
!LOGOURIYesThe link of your DAO logo
!MDMTNumber|PercentageYesThe required amount of governance tokens for creating a metadata set.
!NEWSURINoDAO news channel URL, e.g. Twitter. If you need to input multiple links, split them by "|"
!RDMTNumber|PercentageYesThe required amount of governance tokens for creating a payroll plan.
!TNAMEStringYesThe full name of your governance token
!TOKENHexYesThe asset ID of your governance token
!TSUPNumberYesThe total supply of your governance token
!TSYMStringYesThe symbol of your governance token
!WEBURIYesDAO official website URL
!VMDNumberYesA vote has to last how many days at least.
!VMTNumber|PercentageYesThe required amount of governance tokens for creating a proposal.